No matter if one is new to the Adirondack Mountains or a seasoned veteran, The Adirondack Experience, The Museum on Blue Mountain Lake has something for everyone! Filled with vibrant interactive displays and exhibits, visitors can take away memories that will last a lifetime. Whether one visits with a large group or a smaller ensemble, there are dozens of reasons to make The Adirondack Experience a "Must-Do!" Here are our top five reasons why The Adirondack Experience is a great way to get a first rate Adirondack immersion experience.
5. Time! Depending on one's needs, you can make your visit to the The Adirondack Experience as long or as short as you want. If you are looking for an all-day family-friendly event you have found it here or if you are looking for a brief stop as your group travels through the region you can have that, too! The Adirondack Experience allows visitors to travel through indoor and outdoor exhibits that allow you to be as interactive as one would like with Adirondack history and culture. There are many opportunities to break with the flow of a group and duck out if needed or stay and take part in an exhibit. My family and I have spent 3-4 hours on average at the museum, but there are some years we pop and in and out!
4. Accessibility! With lots of options of shaded outdoor parking or covered parking, the parking lots are close to the main museum structure and navigable with a stroller, wheelchair, or walker for visitors of all abilities. The main exhibit space is fully accessible and allows visitors to engage with museum educators while also making it possible for visitors to stroll calming in the outdoor areas of the museum, especially if a crowd is not something you feel comfortable with. Check with their website for more information and keep an eye to the sky if you want the best weather conditions for your visit!
3. Food! Activities that can take some time to travel to and can often leave visitors hungry before they even start touring around! The Adirondack Experience has a cafe on site that can help folks grab everything from a cup of coffee to a full on lunch! But if you have other diet needs, there are many covered picnic areas on site that folks can eat their own pre-prepared food at while still enjoying the beautiful Adirondack Mountains. This is super budget friendly as well. We always pack a picnic for our visits and pop out to the car when we want to eat and jog it back out when we are done. Super easy!
2. The Price is Right! Traveling with a family or even by one's self can be expensive so, when we find an activity that doesn't cost a kidney, we are thrilled! The Adirondack Experience, The Museum on Blue Mountain Lake has reduced rates for children, students, and Seniors. Active military personnel enjoy free admission as well as children under five years of age. And if you are a permanent resident of the Adirondack Park you can enjoy free admission on the 2nd and 4th Sunday's of the month! More cost effective than going to the movies and way better for the soul! You can count on my family taking advantage of these discounts this summer!
1. Content! The Adirondack Experience recently went through a major renovation and has completely redesigned the museum experience as we know it! With screen kiosks that allow visitors to explore Adirondack history more fully with hands on activities that allow children to be log drivers on a log flow using high-quality projections or row their own canoe through an Adirondack river, visitors can discover how interconnected the environment is with Adirondack residents. Special programs and demonstrators are available to help visitors connect with and engage one another. And with the proper respect for the full scope of history, museum designers and educators have dedicated an extensive space to Native American history. Re-imagining learning for all ages!
The Adirondack Experience, The Museum on Blue Mountain Lake is one of the best all around Adirondack family activities! Making learning engaging and fun for all ages and abilities!
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